2023.09.10. - Custom fields

This feature allows you to create Custom fields.

Now, within the app settings, you have the capability to set up 3 unique fields that you can fill out individually after scanning a QR code.

If you want to segment your existing subscribers based on their plans, event location, or e-commerce platform, you now have that flexibility. The possibilities for segmentation are only limited by your imagination.

Of course, these Custom Fields will also appear in the exported table, so you can seamlessly integrate this data into your CRM or other marketing automation tools.

  • Setting up 3 unique Custom fields within the application
  • Configured Custom fields appear in the database along with their assigned data

2023.07.19. - Bulk QR Code generation

We developed a solution to bulk create vCard format QR codes besides the QR Lead Capture app.

If you require more than 100 vCard format QR codes, we can offer you top-tier assistance. Based on our proprietary development, we can generate custom QR codes for you using data from an existing spreadsheet.

Moreover, we can directly embed the created QR codes into the spreadsheet, which can be beneficial for future access control, printing, or other administrative purposes. The pricing for bulk QR code generation is customized, depending on the number of QR codes needed.

For more information regarding this, please reach out to us at info@qrleadcapture.com.

  • Bulk vCard QR code generation from an existing spreadsheet
  • QR codes embedded directly into the spreadsheet

2023.06.15. - Core camera functions and UI/UX update

In this update, we've updated the core functions and refresh some elements to improve the UI and UX.
These are the following:

  • Display of the device name on the Log in screen
  • Automatic capital letters in the Install code
  • Reduced time required for QR code scanning
  • Increased resolution for in-app camera usage
  • Incorporated a delete option on the Lead listing page

Try it for free

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If you have any questions, book a free demo call here.